Software Engineer Cover Letter

Bill Hansen

123 Your Street

Your City, ST 12345

(123) 456-7890

4th September 20XX

Alex Owen

Hiring Manager, Company Name

123 Address St 

Anytown, ST 12345

Dear Mr. Owen,

With great willingness, I am applying for the position as software engineer which was advertised on your company’s website. With 6+ years of experience, I am confident that I will be an excellent fit in your company. 

My experience provided me with the innovative and technical skills necessary to successfully provide multifaceted technical solutions. As a software engineer, I collaborate closely with customers and other team members to develop robust software solutions. In addition to my experience, I am enthusiastic, organized and willing to take ownership of core components.

I look forward to hearing from you and welcome an opportunity for a more in-depth discussion on how I might be of service to your company.

Please find my attached CV which shows my experiences in detail.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and I look forward to hearing from you.


Bill Hansen

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