Advertising on Facebook is a powerful way to reach local candidates for your job advertisements. As well as advertising a job, you’ll also be able to raise awareness about your company’s products and/or services.
Facebook offers a number of opportunities for advertising and promoting job adverts on their platform. In this guide we cover how to advert a job on Facebook using Facebook job post option.
Step 1: Click on the “Job” option when creating a post
The create a job post option is available on your Facebook business page alongside options to create a post, live, event and offer. If you’ve published a job on Facebook before, there will also be a “manage job” tab in the navigation tabs at the top of your Facebook page. You can use this option to find the “create job” button and view your previous job listings.

Step 2: Add the job title and job location
The first fields to complete are the job title and job location. Use a specific and descriptive job title to make it easier for potential candidates to find your job advert.
The location field has an autocomplete feature which allows you to select from a list of relevant locations.

Step 3: Add the job salary range (optional)
The salary range is optional and offers the option to submit the salary as an hourly rate, day rate, weekly salary, monthly salary or annual salary. While this field is optional, it’s recommended that you complete this field to make your job advert more attractive to potential candidates.

Step 4: Select a job type
The job type drop down menu allows you to select the appropriate job type, including; Full-time, Part-time, Internship, Volunteer and Contract.

Step 5: Add the job description
The job description field on Facebook job adverts has a character limit of 5,000 characters. The formatting options are limited without headings, bullet points or italics etc. Use spacing and special characters such as; -, * and / to format your job listing.

Step 6: Add questions to help filter job applications
Including candidate questions in your Facebook job advert is an effective way to filter candidates during the application stage. There are three question formats available; 1) yes/no, 2) multiple choice, 3) free text field. Use these questions to help your recruitment team filter out the best candidates for the job with questions about experience, qualifications and mindset.

Here is an example of a completed yes/no question and a multiple choice question. It’s possible to add more options to multiple choice questions but try to use a few as possible to avoid overcomplicating the application process.

Step 7: Upload a featured image for your job advert (optional)
The upload photo feature is optional but it’s highly recommended that you complete this field. Having a specific image for the job listing will make it really standout to prospective candidates when it appears in their Facebook Newsfeed.

Step 8: Set an email address to receive notifications of job applications (optional)
If you’re HR team don’t have access to your Facebook page, this option allows you to ensure that they receive a notification when new applications are submitted.

Step 9: Preview your job advert for desktop and mobile
Use the Desktop News Feed and Mobile News Feed tabs to preview what your job advert will look like when viewed by potential applicants.
Step 10: Publish your job advert on Facebook
Check your job advert for errors, proof read the description and make any amendments. Click the “Post Jobs” button to publish your job advert on Facebook.
Here’s an example of what your completed Facebook job advert should look like: