Jobcentre Plus

Find your local JobCentre Plus including address information, opening times and contact details.

Jobcentre Near Me makes it easy to find your nearest Jobcentre Plus offices and information about benefits and support.

The general Jobcentre Plus phone number is 0800 169 0190. It’s a free phone number and can be used to check on a benefits application, change your address, complain about a Jobcentre office or get general advice.

Find out more about benefits and support using the following guides.

Find A Job

Search for jobs with JobCentre Near Me, we’ll help you find a job.

If you’re looking for work, we have free guides to help you write a CV, search for jobs online and learn how to apply for jobs online.

You can also search for jobs using the DWP “Find a Job” service, formerly called Universal Jobmatch . Read our guide; how to use the DWP “Find a Job” service.

