Universal Jobmatch has a number of features to make it easier to search for jobs. Use the Univeral Jobmatch tips below to find the jobs that are near you and relevant to your skills.
Universal Jobmatch Advanced Search Operators
Advanced Search Operators offer a range of options to change the results of a job search. In the image below,
the minus symbol – is used to exclude jobs containing the word HGV. This example would be useful if you are a driver that isn’t qualified to drive HGV vehicles. Using -HGV removes HGV driving jobs from the search results. If you wanted to remove HGV driving jobs and forklift driving jobs you would use -HGV -forklift. The Universal Jobmatch job search isn’t case sensitive so it doesn’t matter if you use capital letters or lowercase letters.
The plus sign + can be used in a different way to change the results of a job search. Using a plus sign between words, for example, full+driving+licence will filter the jobs search to only show jobs that contain the phrase “full driving licence”.
Universal Jobmatch Location Name Search
There may be more than one place with the same name e.g. Newcastle (Upon Tyne or under-Lyme) or Ripley, North Yorkshire and Ripley, Surrey, Gillingham, Kent and Gillingham, Dorset and Bradford, Lancashire and Bradford-Upon-Avon. Enter a specific location name to search only for job listings near you.
Universal Jobmatch Postcode Search
As well as using the location search to filter by location name, you can also search using a postcode in the Universal Jobmatch search.
Universal Jobmatch Qualifications And Skills Search
Use the ‘Skills or Keywords’ search box to search for jobs that require specific skills and qualifications, for example: BTEC.
Universal Jobmatch Search Fields
The Universal Jobmatch search as 3 search fields; job title, keywords and location. Use all 3 search fields to refine your search.