Crisis Loan

Applying for a Crisis Loan was available to meet immediate short term needs in an emergency. The use of DWP Crisis Loans increased significantly when a crisis loan phone number was introduced. To apply for a crisis loan, you had to apply to the Social Fund up until 2013. 

Since April 2013, Crisis Loans and Community Care Grants have no longer been available from the Social Fund. For people claiming Universal Credit, there are Budgeting loans available. The Social Fund also has additional loans and payments available for emergencies such as paying for funeral costs and covering heating bills in winter. 

Crisis Loans have been replaced so that instead of applying to the DWP, you apply to your local council in England or to replacements to the social fund in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 

If you want to apply for a Crisis Loan, find out who to contact below;

  • If you’re in England, you can apply for Local Welfare Assistance provided by the local council
  • If you’re in Scotland, you can apply to the The Scottish Welfare Fund
  • If you’re in Wales, you can apply to the The Discretionary Assistance Fund
  • If you’re in Northern Ireland, you can apply to the The Discretionary Support Scheme

