Teacher Cover Letter

Annalise Marie

123 Your Street

Your City, ST 12345

(123) 456-7890


4th September 2020

Emerson Dale

CEO, Company Name

123 Address St 

Anytown, ST 12345

Dear Mr. Dale,

I am writing in regards to the teacher opening advertised on your school website. With over 7 years of experience of teaching students, I have become an expert at commanding student attention and managing both small and large classrooms. I believe these skills, combined with my ability to foster constructive learning environments, make me an ideal candidate for this role.

I firmly believe that every child is entitled to an enriching education, respect, and professionalism. My goal is to motivate students in ascertaining their inner strengths, abilities and the activities that truly inspire them. Along with my skills, I will bring a creative, positive energy to the school, accompanied by a desire and willingness to work with others to achieve a common goal.

You can see my relevant teaching experience and qualifications from the enclosed CV and can be assured that I am well qualified to be an asset to your school. I look forward to the opportunity of being able to contribute to its continued success.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and I look forward to hearing from you.


Annalise Marie

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