Events Coordinator Cover Letter

Elizabeth Waters

123 Your Street

Your City, ST 12345

(123) 456-7890

4th September 2020

Leslie Wing

CEO, Company Name

123 Address St 

Anytown, ST 12345

Dear Ms. Wing,

In my pursuit of new creative endeavors, I was excited to find the event coordinator opportunity with your company. As a progressive professional with more than 6 years of experience in delivering exceptional event planning services, I believe that I can bring valuable contributions to your team.

I have a successful track record and expertise in planning and organizing a wide variety of events, including fundraisers, conferences, and private parties. In my current role as event coordinator, I coordinate every aspect of large events, including staff management, event logistics, vendor management, venue booking, catering, and internal/external communications. I am also adept with planning software, such as AllSeated and Dean Evans EMS.

Thank you very much for your attention. Working with your company will certainly be an honor for me. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.


Elizabeth Waters

