Demi Scott
123 Your Street
Your City, ST 12345
(123) 456-7890
4th September 2020
Christina Davis
HR Manager, Company Name
123 Address St
Anytown, ST 12345
Dear Ms. Davis,
I am writing to you regarding your company’s customer service assistant opening. Having read through your job posting from your company website, I was excited to discover that my skills and experience match your desired qualifications.
I have a solid background in customer services and thoroughly enjoy talking to different customers, helping them with their concerns, dealing with it effectively and always know when to escalate a problem that can’t be resolved at my level. I also possess a professional demeanor as well as good communication and negotiation skills.
As a dependable and assertive customer service assistant, I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and skills with you in detail to discuss your company’s needs and the results you can expect from me in addressing those needs.
Demi Scott